November 30, 2008

Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving!

Lila LOVES all of the trains that go through Elmhurst, so imagine her excitement when she got to see Popoo's model trains up close. She gave the trains hugs, pats, and kisses and said "chugga chugga chugga".

Lila have her first taste of meat ever, Thanksgiving turkey, as I watch in dismay.

Ian eating the drumstick, an annual tradition.

A Few Pictures

Here are a few pictures from last weekend.
Lila and Pa

Lila and Snickers checking out the neighbor dogs.

Ian making a specialty sandwich for Nana.

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Yesterday we spent most of the day setting up our Christmas tree and decorating the house for Christmas. Both kids really enjoyed decorating the tree and dancing to the Christmas songs.

Lila handing ornaments to Ian.

Helping Daddy put ornaments on the top.

How do I get these out?

The finished tree!

November 23, 2008

Pre-Christmas Fun

I completely stole this idea from Courtney, but it's hilarious, so enjoy!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

What I Did Today

I know this is mostly about the kids, and I hope to have some pictures that my mom took this weekend to post soon, but today I ran a 5K in 25:50 which is a personal best for me so I wanted to share. I had a lot of fun and will definitely be running a 5K again soon. And by soon, I mean in the spring when it isn't 27 degrees during the race.

November 13, 2008

Video Extravaganza

So, I decided to actually make use of our video camera and got some super cute videos of little Lila.

Please excuse my horrible singing, but this is Lila doing the motions for her new favorite song.

Here are a couple of Lila showing off her skills.

November 6, 2008

Because She's Cute

Lila and I decided yesterday that every well-dressed toddler needs some leggings and since Lila still has not adjusted to the time change we needed a way to fill our LONG afternoon. So, Lila is sporting one of her new pairs of leggings today and she added her still too big boots to the outfit since she loves them. Every time I ask her to say "boots" she makes a kissing noise.

November 3, 2008

Big Day!

Lila said "Ian" for the first time today. Very exciting for everyone!