My little fashionistas (no idea where they get that...) picked out their own outfits today. You can't see Lila's shoes, but they are pink ballet flats with huge pink jewels on them that she picked out at Gap herself. So, since I'm trying be better about pictures, I thought I would take a couple.
Lila didn't think the first one was good enough of Bolt.
This week Lila started gymnastics and dance again. She has moved up a level in gymnastics and this year is old enough to be in the dance recital. She is taking a ballet and tap combo class and to say she loves her tap shoes is a huge understatement.
And Cara, after all of this time of watching Lila get to go to classes while she has to hang with me, including yelling "I 'nastics!!" [I do gymnastics!] at the top of her lungs outside the gym on Tuesday, finally got to start her first class today. She and I went to music class for the first time today. It is the same one that Lila and I used to do and Cara loved it! She didn't hesitate at all and participated in all of the songs and tried to do all of the motions. And she had an ear to ear grin on her face the entire time.