September 3, 2012

Lila's First Day of Kindergarten!

Lila started Kindergarten on August 20!  On her first day she said she "had a blast!".  And she is still saying that Kindergarten is awesome.  She's still adjusting to going to school every day, but she loves her teacher and loves going to school.

Her new backpack! 

Ready to settle in and start school!

Ian's First Day of High School

Ian started high school this year!  His first day was Friday, August 17 which was a half day just for the freshman.  His first full day was the 20th with all of the grades.  He seems to like it so far and hasn't had too much homework.  School starts at 7:45 and he has to be on the bus by 6:55 so he's starting his days very early.

Happy 80th Birthday Popoo!

Popoo turned 80 last month.  We celebrated his birthday with family over Labor Day weekend, so there will be more pictures to come.  But on his actual birthday Cara and Lila sang Happy Birthday to him. (Sorry it's crooked!)

Big 10K

 On July 28 Katie, Tim and I ran the first Big 10K.  It was also Katie's first race!  She wasn't excited about it, but she did have fun!  It was a very fun, low key race with the best post-race party of any race I've run.

Of course we had matching shirts!
Team Lamkin 

Four Generations of Pride

Finished and ready to party!

Bible School

In July, Lila did a week of Vacation Bible School.  This was her first year with the big kids in the regular bible school instead of the preschool group. The theme was The Sky is the Limit and she had so much fun.  On the last night the parents got to come and see pictures from the week and hear all of the songs they learned.

Lila did a fantastic job singing and doing the motions! 

Afterwards we got to have ice cream.

July 4, 2012

Lila's First Race

 Lila ran a 1K race this morning.  She has been SO excited and counting down the days until her race.  She wanted to have everything just like I do when I run.  She even had me make her ponytail like mine and pulled a flower off of a headband so it looked like the ones I wear.  

Cara brought her cowbell and cheered "Go Lila Go!" 

Lined up at the start 

 Crossing the finish line!!

She got a medal and a freeze pop at the end and could not have been happier!  Some parents were running with the kids and she was feeling left out so I ran with her for a little bit.  She did a great job though and is already talking about her next race!

Happy Birthday, Ian!

Ian turned 15 on Monday!  We are celebrating on Friday, but Ian and I went out to dinner at a place called Heaven on Seven on the night of his birthday.  It's a Cajun restaurant and one entire wall of the restaurant was covered in hot sauce bottles.  Ian ordered the hottest sauce on the menu and still added about four more types of hot sauce to his meal.

Lila's Dance Recital

Lila's first dance recital was June 3 and she did an excellent job.  She did all of the moves to her dance and looked adorable.  She had a lot of fun and already said she wants to do it again next year.

She was most excited about hair and make up.

Lila and I before the show. 

On stage 

All done!

Looking for her fans during the grand finale.

8th Grade Graduation

Ian graduated from 8th Grade on May 25.  The ceremony was very nice and now Ian is on to high school!

After the ceremony we all came back home for a graduation party.  There was chaos as usual, but it was a fun time.  Here's Ian with Momoo and Popoo right after a hysterical laughing fit by almost everyone.

With Mom and Dad 

 Katie and Tim

Posing with his cake.  Not getting ready to throw it despite how it looks. 

Ian and his dad 

Ian is taking a computer concepts class this summer at the high school so he can have room in his schedule for an art class each semester next year.  Otherwise, he's been enjoying his summer break and spending lots of time at the pool.

Last Day of Preschool!

Hard to believe, but Lila is done with preschool!  She will be starting Kindergarten in the fall and is so excited.  Here she is with her amazing teacher on her last day of preschool.

May 22, 2012

Bonus PIcture

Mother's Day

Mom with all 3 of us 

Me and my 3 

Ian with all of his grandmas 

 Mom and the grandkids

Sue and the grandkids

Ian's Confirmation

After 8 months of confirmation lessons, working with his mentor and doing daily devotions Ian got confirmed on Sunday, May 13.  It was a huge accomplishment and I'm very proud of him.

They had a slideshow with a slide for each confirmand showing highlights from the year. 

 Ian shaking hands with Pastor Mike.

 Ian and his mentor

Ian and I 

Ian and his Grandma Julie 

After church everyone came back to our house for  a brunch and celebration.

Cara Cuteness

Cara tried riding a tricycle for the first time two weekends ago.  She didn't quite get it, but she was very determined and didn't give up!

Cara's favorite activity is her Friday music class.  Here she is playing with the parachute. 

Listening to Miss Laura.

Getting her stamp.  The best part! 

Nana got to go to music class during her visit.