Ian and Chris are going to go out again after Lila is in bed, but so far he hasn't made anyone cry.
October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
We did some early trick or treating this evening before Lila had to get ready for bed. Lila really enjoyed it and figured out right away that if she went to the door they put candy in her bucket. And if they let her pick out her own candy she grabbed a handful!
October 28, 2008
18 months old
Lila turned 18 months old yesterday and had her check-up today. She weighed in at a whopping 21 lbs 2 oz (up to 10th percentile for weight, yay!) and is 31 inches long (25th percentile). The doctor said she looked healthy and is doing great. He was especially impressed with the number of body parts and animal noises that she knows.
Lila knows the words hi, bye, Mama, Daddy, this, snack, thanks, bless, uh-huh, back, where is it?, there it is, help please, doggy, kitty, ouch, okay, boom, fish, and car. Sometimes she will also say Nana, Auntie, breakfast, giraffe, and I did it.
She loves ALL animals and knows the noises for dog, cat, elephant, lion, sheep, goat, monkey, bee, and duck as well as the motions for bunny, butterfly, squirrel, and crocodile.
She can point to her mouth, teeth, nose, eyes, cheeks, ear, head, neck, hair, feet, toes, wrist, hand, elbow, knee, tummy, and bottom.
Her favorite foods are canteloupe, wheat thins, dried fruit, goldfish, cat cookies, and cereal bars.
Her favorite things to do are vaccuum, put toys away, listen to music, and give hugs and kisses.
(The shirt in this picture is another adorable creation from our friend at http://www.sweetbirdie.com/.)
October 27, 2008
Boo at the Zoo
We all went to the zoo on Sunday. It was a beautiful day so all of the animals were out and very active.
Trick or Treat
On Saturday, we went Trick or Treating in downtown Elmhurst. It was a little chilly, but we had a good time. Ian only scared three girls with his costume, so all in all it was a good day.
October 26, 2008
Weekend Fun
Gary, Sue, and Erin came to visit us for three days and to see our new house and new town. Here are some highlights from the weekend.
Lila liked playing with Sue's phone and camera. She especially liked looking at pictures of herself on the screen.
Ian and Erin's self portrait.
Lila getting a back scratch from Gary.
Stay tuned for more pictures from the weekend, including early trick or treating and a trip to the zoo!
October 22, 2008
Playing Outside
October 18, 2008
First Swim Meet
October 11, 2008
Fall Festival
We went to another festival today, this one geared specifically to kids and in Elmhurst. It was close enough that we could walk there and back which was nice as well. We are certainly enjoying the beautiful fall we've been having!

I love my balloon!
Lila and Chris on the train. This week's train attempt was much more successful since Lila could ride with her daddy.
October 5, 2008
Apple Fest
We went with some of our new friends to the Apple Festival in Long Grove today. We had a great time, except for the fact that we had to leave early due to rain and didn't get any apple pie to take home. It is definitely something we will plan to do again next year though!
Lila said she wanted to go on the train with her friends, but when it came time to actually shut the door, she freaked out and didn't go.

Chris and Ian sampled a wide selection of the fried foods.
Lila tried some of my strawberry lemonade, her first "juice" (haha) ever and was a big fan. She probably would have drank the whole thing if I had let her.
October 1, 2008
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