November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lila and Cara on Thanksgiving

Chris and I with Lila and Cara before Thanksgiving dinner. Ian spent the day with his dad this year.

Cara and her BFF

You may remember that Jaline and I were pregnant at the same time and due just two weeks apart. Well, Jaline delivered beautiful Lola on October 28, making her 13 days older than Cara. The destined to be best friends met for the first time on Wednesday. Lola slept through most of their meeting, but Cara made sure to seal their friendship by spitting up on Lola's sleeve.

November 24, 2009

Oh my goodness!

Lila has started saying, "oh my goodness", but if anyone else tries to say it she tells them, "No. It is MY goodness." She will allow others to say "oh my gosh" though.

Today, Cara was wearing this outfit with the kitten on the bib and there is also a kitten on each bootie. Lila was holding Cara after she got dressed this morning and checking out her outfit. Then she said, "Oh my goodness I love your kitty socks. Oh my goodness I love your kitty bib." Then she picked up each of Cara's feet and said, "Niiiiiiiiiiice."

I was cracking up!

November 21, 2009

Week In Review

We have enjoyed our first week at home as a family of 5. Cara has been such an easy going baby and has fit right in to our busy house!

Cara's first bath at home.

Lila reading stories to baby Cara.

Lila LOVED matching her little sister. I think I am going to have to invest in more matching outfits and hats because it motivates Lila to behave. :)

Mom was here helping all week and Dad came up for a couple of days with Snickers. Lila was THRILLED to see Snickers. I think Snickers wanted to go home!

November 14, 2009

Big Brother Ian

On Tuesday, when Ian came to visit us at the hospital he wasn't all that excited about being a big brother again. He said he already was a big brother and he already had a little sister so Cara being born was no big deal. However, he did open his big brother present-- a hot sauce gift basket.

He came back to visit on Thursday and while I wouldn't say he was excited, he was at least willing to hold Cara long enough to have his picture taken.

November 13, 2009

Newborn Pictures

Cara had pictures taken at the hospital today before we left. To see them click here. The visitor password is 41731282165483. Enjoy!

Coming Home

We got to bring Cara home from the hospital today!

First, Chris gave her a bath.

4 days old (Stay tuned for monthly pictures next to the monkey.)

Dressed in her coming home outfit.

Bundled up and ready to go!

Big Sister Lila

Lila is a great big sister already! She came with my mom to the hospital a few hours after Cara was born. At first she was a little apprehensive, but after about 15 min and a juice from the birthing center's snack room she warmed up to the idea of being a big sister and was ready to hold Cara.
She told us that Cara was very tiny and sweet. Then she gave her kisses and petted her arm and tummy. She loved coming to the hospital to visit us and would run into the room saying "I want to hold Cara!"
She is still figuring out what babies can and can't do. Cara pooped one day while Lila was visiting and while Chris was changing her he said, "Cara, I didn't know you had pooped!" and so Lila said, "Cara, you have to tell somebody when you have to go poopy!". Another time, Lila was holding Cara and Chris told her that they needed to give Cara to me so I could feed her. Lila said, "I have Cheerios and milk. I will feed her!"

Lila holding Cara for the first time.

Opening her big sister present, an American Girl Bitty Baby.

Giving her new baby a hug.

(Ian did not hold Cara on Tuesday, but he did come visit and hold her last night. The pictures are on Mom's camera, but I should have them to upload later today.

Cara Grace is here!

Cara Grace was born on Tuesday, November 10 at 8:37 a.m. She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 19.5 inches long. Everything went great and according to plan. My c-section got pushed back about a half an hour due to an emergency c-section that needed to go ahead of us, but otherwise everything went smoothly.

I was shocked at how small she was because I was convinced I was having a 9 lb baby. When the nurse came back into the Operating Room to tell me Cara's stats I said, "Are you sure?". haha

We are all doing great and couldn't be happier with the new addition!

Finding out her birth weight.

Mommy and Cara

Getting her first bath. Doesn't she look like she's at the beauty salon?

Daddy and Cara