January 26, 2010

Cara Cuteness

Sooooooooooo. I have 3 kids. That's a lot. In fact, as Mom can attest, when I was younger I always referred to people with 3 kids as someone who "had a lot of kids". Then Mom would tell me, "she only has 3." I stand by my opinion. Three is a lot.

And poor Cara is my third child and is getting the shaft by not having lots of random baby pictures taken of her. So, I am going to try to do better. The first installment...

Now, if I could only get Ian to let me take his picture more than once a month this blog might not be All Lila All the Time.

Cara and Lola

On Saturday Jaline and Lola came up for a visit. It was the first time we'd seen each other since Thanksgiving so it was fun to spend a day catching up.

Cara and Lola hanging in the bouncy seats while we ate lunch.

BFFs already

They even held hands!

All the cool babies wear layered shirts.

January 23, 2010


Some of our fabulous friends had these matching outfits by Sweetbirdie made for the girls as a baby gift when Cara was born. Cara grew into hers so they wore them yesterday and looked adorable! Our friends also gave me a matching skirt, but it's been just a little too cold for me to wear it.

Some Funnies

Yesterday I asked Lila to sing Twinkle Twinkle to Cara. She started singing "Tinkle Tinkle in the potty..."

This week at the grocery store Lila wanted to ride in a car cart. They look something like this for those of you who aren't familiar.

Only the ones at our store are bigger and longer. It's like pushing a bus, especially when you're 5 feet tall. Let's just say I get a lot of sympathetic looks from people. The cars at our store also have a cut out in the top of the car, kind of like a sun roof. Well, this week as I was pushing the cart, Lila stood up in the seat, stuck her head out of the top and started yelling, "Woo! Woo!"

Apparently she felt our local Jewel was festive like this:

January 19, 2010

Cara's Baptism

Cara was baptized on Sunday. She was perfect during the service and, despite my concerns, did not spit up on the baptism gown or on our minister. Lila found an old piece of candy on the ground and chucked it up front during the announcements, but otherwise everything went smoothly.

Our beautiful baby girl.

Fun with Family

Chris's family came out to visit us over the long weekend and meet Cara for the first time. It was a busy weekend, but fun to be all together.

Lila trying out her new puzzle from Grandma and Grandpa.

Chris convinced everyone to play Rock Band with him.

Cara was a big fan of her Grandpa. She gave him huge smiles every time she saw him.

Lila hanging out with Auntie Erin.

January 10, 2010

Two Months

Cara is two months old today! Hard to believe how fast time has gone! Cara is smiling quite a bit now and making lots of baby talking noises. She loves her mobile and her book of black and white pictures and sometimes she likes tummy time. She has her check up on Tuesday so I will update then with her height and weight.

January 8, 2010

More Snow!

We've had so much snow it's not funny. Ian had a late start to school today, a crushing blow, since he was hoping for a snow day. The only upside of all of this snow is that the girls wore their Snow Cute outfits today...

Baking Cookies

Lila got a Cookie Monster cookbook and a snowman apron for Christmas so we tested them out today and made carrot cake cookies.

Mixing the dough

Putting them on the cookie sheet.

Taste test. Lila is a big fan of cookie dough!

Yum! Cookies!

Big Day for Ian!

Ian got his braces on yesterday.

He wasn't excited about the idea.

After he got them he said they weren't as bad as he was expecting. His teeth hurt quite a bit right now, but they told us he should feel better in a few days.

January 7, 2010

Sibling Pictures

We had sibling pictures taken at The Picture People on Sunday and I think they turned out great. The shirts are from the Etsy shop My Personalized T Shirt.

January 2, 2010

Snowball Fight!

Lila wanted to go out and play in the snow because we've had so much of it.
Chris threw a snowball at her and she said, "Hey! Don't throw!". Chris told her it was okay to throw snowballs.

So she threw one at him!

I took the pictures through the window because I don't go out in the snow unless I have to, but they had a good time. Chris tried to get Lila to make a snow angel, but she didn't want to lay down in the snow. They had to come inside when her mitten fell off and she didn't want to put it back on because it was cold and wet.

Happy New Year!

A little late with the posting, but this is Lila saying "Happy New Year!"


I couldn't pick just a few Christmas pictures for the blog so I just did an album. These are Christmas morning at home, Christmas Day at my parents and the three consecutive days it took Lila to open her presents.

Click here to view photos