Photo by The Picture People
I apologize for not getting this post done on Monday, her actual birthday, but it has been one thing after another this week; starting with no phone or internet on Monday or Tuesday.
But, as hard as it is to believe, Lila is TWO years old. She knows that she is two, but when we ask her to hold up two fingers, she reminds us that she actually has ten fingers.
She is talking up a storm and in complete sentences. She is very observant and can even sp0t a robin in a tree. Which leads me to her favorite things...ROBINS, the movie Finding Nemo, babies, her blankies, coloring, going to the park, and music class.
She loves going to Kids Club at the gym and all of her classes to see her friends. She also loves her family and talks about them often.
Her biggest project right now is getting the cat and dog to listen to her. She already has Ian wrapped around her finger. We often hear, "Ian, play in playroom a few minutes?" being shouted up the stairs.
Chris was out of town for the actual day so we are celebrating her birthday on Saturday. Stay tuned for more pictures...