July 28, 2009

Our Visit to Lake Tahoe

We just got back from a trip to Lake Tahoe to visit Chris's extended family. We had a great time seeing everyone and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

On the first day, Ian went out on a speed boat with Gary, Sue, and Erin to go innertubing. He had a BLAST! They drove the boat by the beach where we were playing so we could wave. I told Lila to wave to Ian's boat and she shouted, "I can't reach you Ian. You're on a boat!".

After that, Lila wanted to go on a boat. When I told her the boat was for bigger kids, she started saying that she was a "little big girl".

Luckily, Chris's cousins had brought their pedal boat with them so we could take Lila out for a spin.

We spent most of our visit at the beach digging in the sand and playing in the water.

Chris's cousin Jill is due two weeks before me.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Love the pictures! Glad y'all had a nice time.