Cara started the day with her one year portraits. Hopefully, I'll have a link to share in a few days. She wasn't as smiley as I'd hoped, but I still think we will have some cute ones. Chris took the day off since he'd been out of town most of the last two weeks so we had some family time to celebrate the big day. In fact, Cara enjoyed it so much she opted out of her afternoon nap! When Ian got home from school we opened presents.
Cara's 1 year check up is this morning so I will update later with her stats. However, she had the allergy blood test last week and it came back negative for all food allergies! The doctors were quick to point out that she could still have food allergies/intolerances, but I'm still considering it good news. This week she has had both eggs and soy and had no problems, so that is more good news. She has also been off of her reflux medicine for about two weeks!
She is getting better and better at standing, but still has zero interest in walking. When I encourage her to take steps or give her a toy to push she just sits down. She has learned several new words this month including book, boom, paci, shh! and shoe. Shoe is a favorite word, right up there with woof, she gets excited whenever she sees shoes and starts pointing and saying shoe!, shoe!
She is our family clown, always doing things for a laugh. But she is also very opinionated and "talks" very seriously to us when she wants something and gets mad when I can't figure out what she wants. She loves stacking and sorting and is very good at manipulating small toys and stacking them.
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