When we moved back to Illinois I told myself that I was choosing to move back and wouldn't complain about the weather. And overall, I think I do pretty well, but this time of year is rough because IT'S TIME FOR WINTER TO BE OVER BUT IT'S STILL HANGING AROUND. I hate that. I don't think asking for 50+ degrees and a little sun is too much by the middle of March, but apparently it is. The reason I'm telling you this is that the aforementioned weather has made me less than enthusiastic about picture taking. And what pictures I have taken have been sitting on my camera, not being uploaded or posted.
I finally uploaded pictures today, though, so this is what we'll call a catch up post.

Ian had his last swim meet of the season on President's Day. He did a good job in his events and had an overall successful season. Up next, he'll be going back to Fencing and giving Archery a try.

I remembered to bring my camera to the last day of the dance session. Lila knows first and second position and all of the moves to her songs!

Katie turned 29 and we went out to celebrate. We had a very fun time, even if I am getting too old to party like my younger siblings.
Lila was sad that she didn't get to go to Aunt Katie's birthday party, so she sang Happy Birthday to Aunt Katie instead.

Chris and I dressed up for the
Junior League fundraiser.

Today was the St. Patrick's Day Parade! Due to the cold temps and the 30 mph wind gusts, Cara and I sat this one out, but Lila, Ian and Chris went and had a great time. Here's Lila looking to see if the parade has started. She does have green on under all those layers!

And Ian with the bagpipers in the background.
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