February 2, 2012

I know, I know!

It's been WAY too long, I know.  I'm surprised I haven't gotten an email from Momoo reminding me how much she enjoys the blog. Sorry, Momoo!  A lot has been going on, but I haven't taken many pictures.  I'll try to fill you in on what's been going on.

Two weeks ago I had sibling pictures taken of the kids.  They all did a good job and we got some cute ones!

 Sorry that these are crooked!  It's a "view and share" CD and I can't edit.

We've been having exceptionally nice weather this winter and have even had a few days close to 60 degrees! Unfortunately, we weren't able to take advantage of those days and get outside, but the girls and I did play in the backyard for a little bit today.

Excited to be outside!

Blowing bubbles

Now, since I've been extremely neglectful of the blog I'll try to fill everyone in on what's going on with us!  Ian is gearing up for the transition to high school.  He and I went to Academic Night on Tuesday where we got to hear all about registration and the courses offered.  There are more students and more courses at this high school than there were at my college.  That's not an exaggeration.  Ian is very excited about the opportunities for a variety of art classes.  I was excited that the stressed the importance of turning in homework every day.

Lila is registered for Kindergarten!  We decided to keep her at the same school where she has been going to preschool. Several other kids from her class are continuing at that school and she is very excited about next year.  A couple of weeks ago her school had "Step Up Day" and she and her class got to visit the Kindergarten classroom for an hour to find out what it's all about.  She is loving dance class and is very excited about her dance recital in June.

Cara has had a big month! She is potty trained!  Well, mostly.  She still wears a diaper at nap and bedtime and only goes #2 in the potty instead of the diaper about half of the time.  But she wears underwear all day every day including when she is dropped off at play school, the gym daycare and the church nursery and hasn't had any accidents.  She caught on right away and has done really well.  I started potty training her on a Thursday and she went to church that Sunday and was accident free for 2 hours without me around!  She talks more and more every day, pretends constantly - her favorite thing is to say she is Snickers the dog, and tells stories.

I have been planning a big Junior League project for the last few months which took place last Thursday.  We educated parents about the importance of early childhood literacy and gave them practical tips and tools for reading and interacting with their children and were able to provide them with Literacy Kits - books and activities to reinforce the books.  It was challenging as many of the parents spoke little or no English, but we serviced over 40 families at this first time ever event and it was definitely a success.  So, that's been taking up a lot of my time.  Along with job searching and general life craziness.

No excuse for slacking on the blog though.  I'll work on being much better.  January is kind of a blah month.

Speaking of Junior League though, I'm selling raffle tickets if anyone's interested... :)

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