This has been a fast month, but a slow blog month. We've been very busy, but nothing has been all that blog-worthy. Today Lila wanted to have a birthday party for her pink bear and we all had to dress in our fancy clothes. Cara and I had pretend fancy clothes, but Lila dressed herself in a tutu, butterfly wings, a big pink bow and a pink blanket aka a beautiful scarf.
And an update since the blog has been lagging:
Ian's grades are all up in school and he's been keeping very busy with school, swim and youth group. Last weekend he participated in a service project for Feed My Starving Children and described it as "really awesome. I could have saved a life today." He and I also took on the job of organizing all of the books and papers in his room and after some grumbling (me) and sighing (him) we finished it and his room looks much better!
Lila moved up to Turtle 2 at swim lessons last week! She started swim lessons at this school last March and has already moved up four levels! The director said she is a natural swimmer! Lila was very bored over Christmas Break and was thrilled when school and all of her activites started up again. This week was Spirit Week at her school (it's Preschool through 8th grade) so she had Pajama Day on Tuesday which she loved and Sports Team Day on Thursday.
Cara is fully walking! She is also learning new words every day and is learning more animal sounds. In addition to dog, a long time favorite, she knows sheep, cow and bunny (hop, hop, hop). She can also point to her tummy when asked where it is.
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