August 18, 2011


The first part of August has managed to fly by without me posting any blog updates.  We have all been busy and trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer!  Hard to believe that we are going back to school already!

As soon as VBS ended I left for a girls weekend in Nashville with three friends.   I had so much fun!  I pretty much didn't eat or sleep while I was there, but it was worth it.  I loved Nashville and would move there in a second if I was single and child-free.  We sat by the pool and went shopping, but mostly we went honky-tonk bar hopping.

While I was gone, Chris was home with the girls and took them on a trip to the zoo.  Here they are watching the dolphins go by.

Lila with the tiger 

 and with her favorite animal, the buffalo.

On Saturday night a friend of ours from law school got married.  It was a beautiful wedding with the ceremony in a basilica and the reception at the Chicago Symphony Center.  Here we are with Jim and Jasna on the balcony of the symphony center.

I turned in early though and stayed in a hotel in the city because the next day I ran my first ever Half Marathon.  I ran the Rock n Roll Half which was a fantastic race.  There are local live bands all along the course which helps keep your feet moving.  Plus, the race was very well run and extremely organized.  Chris brought the kids in to the city to watch the race.  I was able to see them at mile 7 and then again at the finish.  Here's Ian with the skyline in the background.

My friend, Lora, and I after the race

My finish time was 2:17 which was slower than I wanted, but I am focusing on the fact that I ran 13.1 miles and crossed the finish line.  But I'm already thinking about my next Half so I can beat my time!

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