Lila had her first day of preschool today and it went great! She was so excited to wear her new "school dress" and her backpack that she could hardly stand still for pictures!
August 24, 2010
First Day of Preschool!
Lila had her first day of preschool today and it went great! She was so excited to wear her new "school dress" and her backpack that she could hardly stand still for pictures!
I'm Calling It
I'm considering it official that Cara has a first word. I've thought for a little while that Cara was saying "hi" and today she left no doubt. While we were grocery shopping she said "hi" and waved to every person we passed in the aisles!
August 23, 2010
First Day of 7th Grade
August 22, 2010
Day Out With Thomas
To cap off our whirlwind last weekend before school starts we went to Day Out with Thomas today. Lila loves Thomas and was so excited to see the real Thomas today! We had tickets to ride Thomas so we did that as soon as we got there and then we walked around and did some of the other activities until everyone was tired and ready for naps.
A Visit with Auntie, Day 2
Day 2 of Erin's visit was much more low key. She and I went into the city for a few hours to go to lunch with Katie and then shop at the magical place called Lori's.
We set up our old playroom TV in the basement so that we could play Rock Band down there instead of in the living room since it is not a quiet game. Lila LOVES Rock Band! We had introduced Erin to the game when she was here last time and she was anxious to play again as well.
August 21, 2010
A Visit with Auntie, Day 1
August 18, 2010
Open House
Lila's preschool Open House was tonight. We got to drop off her school supplies, explore the room and meet some of the other kids in her class. She was very excited!
We found out that she already knew one boy in her class because he was in Muscle Club with her and she enjoyed meeting some other kids in her class. She jumped right in and started playing with the toys in the room and didn't seem nervous at all. She said hi to her teacher who we had met last week and when we left she ran across the room to tell her good-bye.
Ian also went to his school today to walk through his schedule and get his locker set up. He did not want me to take his picture by his locker so you'll have to just imagine what it was like.
And Another One
Take Me Out to the Ballgame

While we were in Clinton, I was able to get together with some girls that I used to work with, and who I don't see nearly enough, on Friday night and then on Saturday we got together again, only this time with kids.
August 12, 2010
The Stats
Cara had her 9 month check up today and it went great! She weighs 16 lbs 12 oz and is 26.5 inches long which puts her in the 15th percentile for height and weight. For comparison, she weighs 8 oz less and is 1.5 inches shorter than Lila was at 9 months.
The doctor commented on how well she made eye contact and how social she was. She didn't cry at all, not even when they pricked her toe for an iron test!
The doctor commented on how well she made eye contact and how social she was. She didn't cry at all, not even when they pricked her toe for an iron test!
August 10, 2010
I went upstairs to give Cara her bottle and grab Lila's dance clothes and when I came downstairs this is what I found. Not sure what was going on, but she was OUT. In case it's possible that some of you don't know, I am very Type A and scheduled and keep the kids very scheduled, so it's very unusual for them to fall asleep at odd times. She was fine (and hyper!) the rest of the day though, so I guess it was just a fluke.
Tipping Point
Cara has had an explosion of new skills the past few weeks! She says dada and a word that sounds like "hi" and once she looked at me and said "hi mama". She has been doing what I called floor swimming for several weeks-- it's like scooting but she kicked her legs to move-- but in the last few days she has started to really crawl. She has also started waving on command and can play "So Big!".
She hasn't started pulling all the way up yet, but she has pulled herself up on to her knees several times. And when I stand her up she can stand up for quite awhile. I got out a little music table that was Lila's the she can play with while she stands and she seems to like it.
August 5, 2010
Ian had his 13 year check up today and he is 5' 4.75" tall and 114 lbs. Bigger than me on both counts...everyone was right, it did happen! At least I know I wasn't imagining things when it seemed he was getting too tall for his jeans every few weeks. He grew FOUR inches this year which makes him 80th percentile for height and 70th percentile for weight!
August 1, 2010
Vacation Bible School
Lila had Vacation Bible School last week and loved it! It was good practice for both of us before she starts school in three weeks. She got to play games, sing songs, hear Bible stories, make crafts and play with other kids. She was very excited to go all four days.
On Thursday night, the kids put on a show to celebrate the end of VBS. The preschoolers sang three songs--two by themselves and one with all of the kids. Lila knew all of the songs and practiced them at home, but at the show... nothing. She just stood and looked around at everyone else. After the kids finished singing there was a picture slideshow with the songs as background and the little stinker sang every word of the songs sitting next to me in the pew!
Since she just stood there, this is just a short clip, but imagine her doing this for three songs and it will be like you were there.
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