July 3, 2011

This and That

The last couple of weeks have had a lot going on.  Two weekends in a row, Mom and I had a garage sale.  It was my second, and most likely my last garage sale, but I had a lot of baby stuff to get out of the house and that did the job. 

Mom is Cara's BFF, so Cara thoroughly enjoyed spending all of that time with her while she was visiting.

Then, during the week between the two garage sale weekends we had a major storm go through the area.   Funnel clouds were spotted, trees were uprooted and 300,000 people lost power.  Including us.  We were fortunate and were only without power for 24 hours.  Some of my friends were without power for 48 hours and I even know a few people who were without power for four days.  We were fine without power and just had to keep the freezers and the fridge closed.  But since being without power isn't enough, my car battery died and my cell phone stopped working.  Not my favorite 24 hours.

Chris happened to be out driving when the sirens first went off for the storm and a tree branch fell on his car!!  He was very fortunate that the heavy part of the branch hit the front of his car and only the leafy part hit the windshield.  It was after that that he called me and told me to get the girls out of bed and take everyone to the basement.  We were in the basement for about an hour and everyone handled it very well.

The next day Ian headed out for a summer visit with his dad and the girls opened their new shoes from Erin!

Random picture of Lila

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