December 2, 2011

Cara's Two Year Stats

I am behind, which seems to be the norm these days.  I'm going to try to get caught up with a flurry of posts!

Cara had her two year check up a few days after her birthday and everything looked great! She is 25 lbs. 6 oz and is 32 3/4 inches tall which means she is 22% for height and 32% for weight.  The doctor asked me if she was able to put two word phrases together and Cara answered by saying, "I eat Egg Harbor for lunch. I have mac 'n chese and got a ducky.  My ducky on the table."  The doctor was very impressed!  All of the other things the doctor asked about, Cara had been doing for quite some time so she is doing great!

Cara talks and talks and has opinions about everything from what she wears to what fork she uses to eat.  She wears her pink polka dot rain boots every day whether it's raining or not and wears them all day long except when she's sleeping or in the bath.  She loves pretending to have tea parties with Lila, playing with Little People, cleaning, and playing the Pigeon app on my Ipad.  She is doing excellent at swimming lessons and jumps in to the pool all by herself.

Her favorite things are Nana, her stuffed animals, doggies and being included.

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